Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Texas Ranger Statue

So, I see people on Facebook all upset about a Texas Ranger Statue being removed from Love Field Airport in Dallas.

Part of it is they've not done research on why it is being done.

We've gotten bad about reading a headline or one line about it being done, not why.

The statue is modeled after Ranger  Sgt. E.J. "Jay" Banks.

Former Gov. Allan Shivers sent the Texas Rangers, with Banks as commanding officer, to Mansfield ISD, south of Ft. Worth to prevent black students from integrating at the high school, despite a Federal court order..... A news photo shows Banks casually leaning against a tree in front of white students gathering at the school, where a black person was hanged in effigy. 

“They were just ‘salt of the earth’ citizens,” Banks later wrote of the white mob assembled at the school. “They were concerned because they were convinced that someone was trying to interfere with their way of life.” 

The Texas Ranger sculpture was a gift to the city of Dallas in 1963 “when policies requiring the extensive review of public art donations were not in place,” said Love Field officials.

Several days later, Gov. Shivers ordered Banks and a few other Rangers to Northeast Texas, because African-Americans wished to take classes at all-white Texarkana Junior College, a public institution. Again the Rangers’ job was to stop black students from enrolling.

As at Mansfield, a mob of white men gathered outside the school. An 18-year-old woman and a 17-year-old boy, both black, arrived by cab and began to walk toward the college. The mob blocked their path. Some surrounded the 17-year-old and kicked him, while others threw gravel. The Rangers watched it happen and did nothing except threaten to arrest the two Black students.     

Folks, do some research before you have a "knee-jerk" reaction. 

In 2020, you literally have the " Library of Alexandria" at your fingertips. Stop being lazy. Quit trusting everything you see online.   

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