Monday, June 22, 2020

Well, That Was Depressing

I gotta quit watching TV. No, I didn't watch the John Bolton interview on ABC. Politics, well, is often too much " Like work." ( Think about what I did for a living)

So, Debbie the Good, St. Debbie as some of you know her as, and I watched the salute to British TV last night on PBS.

And the start of the Masterpiece program had the owner of Viking Cruises suggest a website showing the sites their cruises make, because, there are not cruises right now.

This was after I saw a commercial on another one of the 500 channels of " Nothing's on" in which the ad talks about we " Can't see America from 30,000 feet right now." So they suggest getting in the car and going?

To which I reply...." Where?" I've been everyplace in this country now except the Dakotas and Detroit and no one in their right mind would go to either.

Florida? Too damn hot. I'd like to do Alaska again, but I ain't driving there. Washington DC? Done it twice. Seattle? I like the Pacific Northwest, and we've done it 4 times, but too long a drive, plus it is nuts out there right now. Vegas? Don't gamble. New England? I'd do it again, but would rather fly. Tennessee?  Gone so much I find it boring, same with Arkansas. New Orleans? Too old for Bourbon Street.

We were to be in the Near East last month, but the virus changed that.....And we're are supposed to 'make up' the trip in October, but I doubt Israel, the Palestinians end the 14 day quarantine for people coming into the country.

So, I doubt that trip comes off. Seriously. Too soon.....

That said, we're already looking to late Spring 2021 for our next trip to Great Britain.

That also said, even by Spring of 2021, we may not be going anyplace.

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