Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Damn Teens

You know, I could not teach high school anymore.

I damn near couldn't my last 5 years. I seriously couldn't anymore.

You just don't know how close I came to telling Caleb McCallon " It's yours" and I went home permanently.  

Again, I had a kid that I did not really have to worry about. Now I know, in school he got into some mischief. And hell, he was in a fraternity in college, and you don't want to know what type of fuckery goes on in frats. And it was in a time, just a little different than today.

I don't know, the world has changed so much now, kids, can't be kids due to everything is now recorded.

How much crap kids are doing, recording, is going to come back later on them?

Hell, how much you post on social media is going to come back on them later? ( I post stuff, and don't care, I don't need, nor want a job, nor an elected position.)

You need to talk to your kids.

Stuff they say, do, can come back on them.......And don't think people will use it against them.

I know, kids need to be kids, and kids often " act a fool." I know, I did some stuff in high school and especially university I am not very proud of.

But racial stuff, sexual hatred stuff, you better talk to your kids.

And honestly, I don't know what is going to be " Dog-Whistle" in the future.

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