Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How the Hell is This Going to Work?

I know the Buna ISD is giving the option of kids coming to class, or kids staying home and receiving online instruction. And every six-week time period you have the choice of which one you will have your child do. And you must keep doing it either at school, or at home during that six-week period. You can't change in the middle.

I feel for the teachers trying to come up with instruction for two separate groups of instruction. I am guessing taping the lecture and putting it online? Maybe set up your own Youtube channel?

Science teachers who teach Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry,  AP Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics, and some other science would have to come up with 10-12 different preps to teach kids at school and online....

But how will tests work? How will the kid not cheat during exams? Will the tests be sent to the school via snail mail? Or sent online?

What happens when a kid gets sick during the middle of the six-week period? Do they go home for 2 weeks until they are cleared?

What happens when a bunch of older teachers start to get seriously ill? Will they be eligible for work's comp? What happens when the lawyers get involved, or is it, " We don't give a damn about teachers anyway. Who cares about them." " Some frickin' guy who can throw a ball is more important than every teacher in the State of Texas. "

The TEA has also announced that students over age 10 will be required to wear masks  as long as the executive order exists.

Just what are we going to do when we have a Covid-19 outbreak and it can be traced to schools? Keep going? We need schools open to babysit?

Again, teachers are expendable in our society.  If you can, and were still teaching, I would retire.

You know, I am so glad I am retired.

This is going to be a mess....

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