Wednesday, September 23, 2020

In Trouble for that PDA

 So, I see where actress Candace Cameron is all in trouble because she has published a photo of her husband putting his hand on her breasteses. 

She is catching it from the religious community( She is an evangelical Christian) and people outside the community for showing too much PDA.

Now, I would never publish a photo of me putting my hand on any of my wife's " private" parts, but that doesn't mean I've never put my hands "there" even when I was not even planning on romance. Heck, wouldn't put it "there" in public.

I think most husbands have, still do. 

Sometimes things are " Much to do about nothing." 

In this day of 500 TV channels and the internet, people have seen much worse.  

That said, a lot of people are just looking for stuff to get upset about. 

I remember when I was a Dayton High School getting called into the principal's office after prom. Four male teachers.

It seems 3 of the school board members were all upset because we had committed the "sin" of putting our arms around our wives' waists or around the waist and then put our  hands on our wives' hips.....Then, we slow danced with our wives.  ( We were not grinding or dry humping or anything like that.)

One member said, " What will the kids think?" " That their teachers might do what all the juniors and seniors were wanting to do that night?" 

All I could think was, " Does this board member know how many prom dresses will wind up around the girl's neck that night?" " And how many pairs of panties won't be found in the car until the next morning?" 

I am telling you we just " don't get it" sometimes. According to the Jewish Talmud, the holiest of holies in the Bible is the Song of Solomon. A long erotic poem written about a wife. (Yaddayim  3:5) 

People need to enjoy life.


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