Wednesday, October 7, 2020

It's in Evadale....Why Not Buna ISD?

 I've not said anything about Buna in a while...The longer I am out the longer I realize how much better off I am retired....That said, I will always have a special place in my heart for the Buna ISD and will always be concerned about the district. 

So, this morning, one of the major stories on KBMT-12 was the outbreak of positive Covid tests in Evadale ISD. 

It makes you wonder, if it is in Evadale Schools, why is it not in Buna ISD?

Perhaps it is and we are not being told that is the case. 

At least two of my sources are saying that there are positive tests that are being kept from the public in Buna. 

The number of positive cases would not shock me. 

Say what you will Buna and Evadale are " kissing cousins" in the community. 

And even if it has not " migrated" to Buna, it is just a matter of time. I have a funny feeling it is seriously in  Buna ISD and we're not being told.

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