Sunday, October 4, 2020

Old Habits Die Hard

So, as many of you read in FB, I performed a wedding last evening/afternoon. Been a little while since I did one, as a matter of fact the last one was on our deck/porch. 

And as many of you know, I don't stay for the reception.  

Nothing against you personally, just something we were taught in seminary. And I am sure some preachers hang around just because of this. 

Don't hang around to make people " feel uncomfortable." 

And being an alumni of a Baptist seminary, there are more things that happen at a reception that Baptist are against than are for....

Never mind I am not a Baptist minister and the denominations I am ordained in don't mind you taking a drink or taking a spin across the dance floor. 

But there are clergy who do hang around to make sure people " Behave themselves." ( Don't get me started here.)

 This is the South and well, some folks see ministers against anything "fun."  Especially here in the South where there Protestant ministers are often seen in two lights, as Pentecostal or Baptist.....Both anti-drink, anti-dance....Well one is anti-dance unless you have a copperhead snake in your hands....

And I know there are people at the reception who don't care......But there are people who will look over and ask, " What the hell kind of preacher is that with a Bud Light in his hand?"  

So, as I said, old habit, lessons die hard.

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