Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Already Blew my Gubmint Check- And If You're My Friend, You May Want to Do This...Or Not

 As I wrote yesterday on Facebook, we got our stimulus check from the gubmint......And I blew it all this morning. 

It was enough to pay 2/3rds of our property taxes for the year. No, I wasn't waiting for it for that, but I don't want to give the county gubmint money before I just have to do so. ( Orange County it isn't late until Feb. 1st.) 

I was there when the tax office opened in Orange I am glad I did, there was already a pretty good line. So, I had a pretty good wait.

I then went to the credit union and deposited the gubmint stimulus check and they acted like they were not too thrilled to get a gubmint check. Maybe they know something about the U.S. Treasury that I don't? I don't know, I may need to switch to another credit union. This one acts like they have gotten too big for their britches. May need to go and see Jared at Mobil Credit Union. 

I then made the mistake of getting a late breakfast at Wendy's. Got a Baconator. I had to try one. The egg white was raw and the sausage was not quite cooked. Won't be back. The potato wedges, whatever they call them were fairly good. 

The neighbor's dogs enjoyed my baconator.  

Finally, as I may have written, Santa brought me a new cell phone. I finally took it to Verizon to get the stuff switched over. 

It was a nightmare. Took 2 hours and 15 minutes to get it turned on and it never did switch my stuff.

( My old phone was new when the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer used it to text Pope Clement VII asking for Henry VIII's  of England's annulment of marriage from Catherine of Aragon.) 

I have lost all my stuff from the old phone. 

I was cussing when I left. 

So, if you think, or think I might need you cell number, please send me your number. They all were lost. I know several of you, I will need your number, so either send me a private message or if you dare, add it to the comments and be sure and let me know who you are, I am going to need your number and name.

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