Tuesday, January 19, 2021

I Was Talking to My First Wife-

 I have been trying to write a blog on the evangelical church and politics the last few days, but I am stuck. Plus I may wait until the inauguration. ( Donald Worsham, Jason Caillier have gotten me all "stirred up.")

So, I will go here first. 

So, I was speaking to my first wife......It's my first and only wife for those of you wanting to know if somehow I've been divorced. No, still on number one, and there won't be a number two. Too damn old to start over. And would be afraid to do so. In truth, just wouldn't want to. I got it so good with number one, well, sorry, no one else could "match-up."

I am just amazed at how much I have influenced my wife or she has influenced me. 

She has become about as big an Anglophile as me. 

We keep the house in Winter at 62F. ( In Britain they keep it 58-63F) We'd keep it 60F, but people complain when they visit.

About 3/4 of the TV we watch at night in some sort of British TV show....I prefer murder mysteries, she likes their cooking shows. Last night we started the new take on the old British show " All Creatures Great and Small." ( The new take on the veterinarian show is on PBS on Sunday nights at 8PM)   

Then, this morning, I find a list of sites to visit in Southwestern England and Wales. Hotels, flights, etc.....( I thought it was Ireland's turn again, but Wales is okay in my book.) ( Of course we can't go right now due to Covid, but I can see it in the future.)

I promise, I'll get a little more serious in future blogs....

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