Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Coup d'etat....Some Thoughts

 I sat down several times trying to write a blog. I just couldn't say anything. I was just stunned. 

 I wonder what is going to happen next?

Will there be the same thing happen at the Inauguration? ( Maybe, but National Guard will already be deployed to quell it quickly.)

 I am going to ask the same question that was asked during the BLM protests/riots....Don't these people yesterday have jobs? Likewise, if this had been people with Black faces, would the police have acted differently? More violent?

Believe it or not, this entire event makes our enemies stronger. Russia, China, and especially the Iranians are laughing at us right now.  Don't be shocked if one pulls a stunt. 

The British talk shows are all convinced this is race based because the country is browning. "Trump allows them to be open racists." I wonder what some of you are going to do when you get to heaven and there are Black, Brown, people there? Maybe you're not foreordained to "make-it?'

I wonder if Trump will pardon the people in the coup d'etat? ( If they had planned the situation at their home state, they could be charged under state law.)

I know this has been said before, but the last time the Capitol was invaded was 1814.....By the British Royal Colonial Marines, under the command of Major General Robert Ross. ( Ross was later killed in the war, and his body was shipped back to England preserved in 129 gallons of rum.) 

What will be the aftermath? I do not know. I would not be shocked if Mr. Trump is charged under the Biden Justice Dept. .( He's going to pardon himself, but I can see Justice questioning the pardon in the courts.)

That said, I worry about this nation. 

Pray like you've never prayed before. 



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