Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Okay Boys, Pay Damn Attention, This is Important

 I've gone over this for 30+ years that I know of.....

Boys ( And to a lesser extent girls) don't be playing ' slap and ticket' who is your subordinate....Hell, I wouldn't even have a romantic involvement with some at the workplace.....Hell, I wouldn't even work with my wife. 

You know, in the end, it ain't going to end very well. 

You've got to stop thinking with that " Little Head."

In this day in age not only will you probably lose your job, you may get the hell sued out of you. Hell, if you're a teacher you'll lose your job, your certification, and make license plates in Huntsville for a few years.

 As a friend of mine I've known for 30+ years says " Bad sex is better than no sex." But at what cost???

That same friend explained it this way, in this day of online pornography, you " Go home, find whatever interests you, put on some KY and go to town." The entire business will be over in 15 minutes....And you can think clearly afterward....

Just thoughts for a Wednesday afternoon......

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Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...