Thursday, February 11, 2021

Rumors, Rumors, Rumors....

 I have gotten more rumors over the last 24 hours. 

Some I can confirm....Some just "wild ass shit."

Again, while I will carry news always from Buna, Buna ISD, South Jasper County, well, this is not the blog. 

And I always will, after-all most of the readers of the blog are either from, or still live in the Buna area. 

I don't want to have to change the name of the blog to " Slippin' Through the Slough." Or "Nekkid in Gist" Or "Carrying on Down Caillier Loop." Or " Sneaking Down 1004." 

Thanks for reading the blog. 

Big, I mean huge hits yesterday. 

Again folks, be careful, don't let " chasing tail" ruin your life. Because it damn sure will....

As always any information you have, send me a private message, I will investigate.

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