Thursday, March 11, 2021

I Wish Now I Wouldn't Have Taught You

 Yep, every damn one of you....

Actually, I couldn't have seen myself doing anything else. 

When I got my minor from Lamar a 100 years ago now, I was "suggested" by a professor at the university that you might want to get a minor in economics in case " You hate teaching high school." Texas didn't even have high school economics as a required course when I graduated from college.

I was shocked at the offer my daughter in law has received from Air B&B Financial Division for an internship. 

It is more more over a 12 week period of time than I made my highest paid year  at the Buna ISD. 

Hell, they are giving her a stipend for living expenses.......And she can do the internship from there in College Station, of course, online. 

Now I LOVED teaching school, I really did. I know I did not act like it, but hell, I had to show who was in charge of the classroom. 

Now whether she accepts a position with the company I do not know, and I know, they have the ability to work from home. But if she moves up in the company, well, the kids are off to San Francisco. 

Kerry and Deborah Thomas ain't moving to California. 

1. It's too expensive. 

2. It's fuckin' California. 

We'll take Southwest Airlines into SFO Airport, rent a car. And visit. We've done that before when we visited San Fransisco. 

Am I bitter? Hell, no, I KNEW I wasn't going to get rich teaching school, much less at Buna Schools who pay at the bottom of Region 5's pay scale. 

I'm proud as hell of my DIL.....

Besides, who else would you have wanted to teach you " gubmint?"

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