Friday, April 2, 2021

Less Than 50%

 For the first time since they started keeping records on this, less than 50% of American belong to any church. The percentage is like 47%. 

I am not shocked. I am an ordained minister. Am an alumni of a theological seminary. I grew up in a time in which I went to church Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, Wednesday Night, heck whenever the doors were open, I was at church.....To the point, I think I was in Europe the last time I was in church. 

I no longer associate myself or actually am a member of any church. 

Why should I? I get nothing out of it when I go. The sermons are boring. The music is pop music dressed up with the words now saying " Jesus" instead of talking about romantic love gained or lost. 

The people in the pews have nothing in common with me. They speak English( barely) and I've been to England( the UK) 3 times in the last 6 years. ( We plan to go to England in 2022.) 

The church cares more about telling you what to think and what you can't do, rather than get you thinking. 

Churches are so caught up in politics it makes you wonder. One group has become an arm of the Republican Party. And telling you what to do.....Another group is ' Woke ' and want to make you feel bad because you are a white male. 

One religious side supported the GOP so long they don't know how to condemn their own, such as the congressman out of Florida who is alleged to have been having sex with 17 year old girls. Paid for women to travel, bought elaborate gifts, gave them cash...And showing nudes of women who they slept with to other members on the floor of the US House of Representatives. 

The lowest group with church membership are the millennials.  

My child is a millennial. He hates the church and all it stands for. Not God, not Jesus, the church. Why should he like them? Church members have done nothing but question everything he's done throughout his life. Including question why he " Couldn't get a white wife?"

The church has no one to blame but themselves. The entertainment factor. The money factor. The fact they want laws that effect other people, because they don't want other people to do whatever. ( drink, gamble, etc.)

There is no missionary spirit. They really don't want someone different or a little strange to sit on the same pew as they do. 

And in truth, who wants to spend an hour on Sunday with a bunch of Karens.

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