Friday, April 30, 2021

What is Wrong with You?

 I see an article in which the cases of child rape are up 72% since the pandemic started. 

And a large number of people raping these kids are family members( No shock there)

Bored, kids are home from school due to Covid, often staying with family members while Mom and Dad work.....And they are staying with Aunt Naive and Uncle Nasty. 

Uncle Nasty gets a few Natty Lights in him and that 12 year old niece starting to develop secondary sexual characteristics is all of a sudden "prey." 

You know it makes you wonder just how much of the family sexual abuse is going on and we never learn about it? 

In the movie "Twin Peaks" Harry Dean Stanton makes the remark " It's busier around here than 'Uncle Discount Day' at the local Whorehouse." 

It seriously makes you wonder how many Nasty-ass Sumofabitches would play " slap and tickle" with family members if they could "get away with it?"

You know, it reminds me of two stories I was somewhat in the middle of when I was teaching in the Houston area. 

The first one involved the father screwing his cheerleader daughter. Got her pregnant, and she took an overdose. Took her days to finally pass. It was the quietest I have ever heard a high school. Literally quiet for 2 weeks. 

The dad of course eventually went to prison. 

The second story involved a brother and sister playing " Hide the weenie. "

The boy was a high school senior, the girl was in 8th grade. And it was the girl who initiated the sex. 

They were caught, and the entire family left the area. No charges were filed. 

These people were not "White trash." They were "upstanding" members of the community. Well to do financially.

In the brother/ sister incest, the boy and girl were both in the " in crowds" at their respective schools. The boy's girlfriend might have been the cutest, sweetest girl in the junior class......But for some reason, they wound up playing out some sort of porn site fantasy. ( And apparently, it wasn't a one or two time deal. they waited until their parents left for work in the summer so they could "practice" as they called it. Apparently the brother used condoms.  )

It makes you wonder, just how much of this shit goes on and we don't know about it...It's swept under the rug.

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