Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Sign Says...."It's Free!!!"

 Yes, with the exclamation points. 

So, I was in Bridge City at my doctor's getting my blood drawn, and on the way home a sign advertising for some sort of Youth "Gathering" said that they were giving everyone " Free Bible."

I don't know, and I am coming from a totally different view here, but at this point isn't their a Bible sitting around the house someplace at everyone's house, even if you don't go, don't believe, don't whatever? 

I have so many versions of the Bible, everything to a "Good News for the Modern Man" a paraphrased version of the Bible, to a 1599 Geneva Bible. (I think I have about 30 different versions. )

Heck, I have taught so many different kids of faiths, I think I have most of their sacred texts.Given to me...Including about 5 Books of Mormon. ( And yes LDS kids, I've read it, I even had a religion club after school at a district near Houston, I got into bad trouble because someone 'told' and said I was trying to convert people. Twin Mormon girls, a Lutheran boy, and Hindu girl went to the principal and took up for me, all "Saying, we just discuss, it's the best part of the school day.")

And I understand the reasoning behind the free Bible, along with the free hot dogs...

But I am curious how many people actually do not  have a Bible? ( Or any other religious text)

You can answer in the comments, or send me a message, or not.


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