Monday, August 16, 2021

Damn, That Was Fast

 When Mr. Biden pulled American troops out of Afghanistan, I predicted Kabul would fall by Christmas. You just knew it would. 

Far be it, that it would fall by mid-August. I was shocked at how little the Afghan military did to stop the Taliban. That just shows, they stood for nothing, but for whoever would help them the most. 

Let's revisit what Afghanistan was like from 1996 to 2001 when the Taliban first ran the country. And I am sure they'll be the same way today. They're still stuck in a Medieval period of time both in religion and socially. 

Men had to grow beards. Women were forced to wear burkas, flowing garments that cover the entire face and body. Schools for girls were closed. Women who were without male chaperones in public places could be beaten. Soccer was banned. So was music, aside from religious chanting..

Taking pictures were outlawed. Public executions were held in the soccer stadium.  

Within a month of taking over in 1996, the Taliban sent out morality police called ' Promotion of Virtue and Elimination of Vice.'

Already the Taliban are taking 12 year old girls and using them as " Sex Slaves." 

All this said, and the last poll said that 62% of the American people wanted out of Afghanistan. 

If I were a betting man, I'd put money on us back within the next decade. 

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