Saturday, August 7, 2021

Dating in 2021

Dating has never been easy. Even in the 1970s it was hard to often find a date. I know when I was going to college, I did not go out on a date for 2 years during one dry spell. ( Part of it was I was taking a lot of hours at school, and then, working two jobs...I literally fell into dating my wife. She for all practical purposes asked me out in the music faculty parking lot at LU after a football game.)

 The world has changed dramatically since I was in school. Especially in the social/dating world. 

Now, if I was single, well, I would just stay single. I've always said if something happened to my wife, I would sell out here, buy an apartment in the UK, and live there 6 months out of the year. The other 6 months, just live at the Farm in Winnsboro/Mt.Vernon region of NE Texas. 

In the past week, I have finally visited Tik Tok, looked at Reddit. 

All I can say after been literally stunned is, " We are doomed." 

I don't know with Tinder, Our Time, etc., well, it has just messed us up badly. The entire social media has done something to us, and it isn't good. 

The " Hook-up" "Friends with Benefits" has done something to us.......There is no responsibility to another romantic partner. 

And then there are so many people who are just broken. I mean are still in high school, are controlling, drunks, druggies, cheaters...And there has always been men & women who have been cheaters, but it seems like there are guys who are always looking for "Some Strange" and gals who want to ride that " Cock Carousel."  The internet, texting, social media has just made it that much easier. 

Then we have been told for so long we are " great" that Trophy Participation Theory that everyone is great and there are no losers has made us so damn selfish. We think that we all should make $500,000 a year or marry someone who does.....Well hell, good luck there. 

For a while I worried myself looking at people who were single. The more I understand, the more I know why. If I was a young person today I'd probably be single too. Heck, I understand why I have a Chinese daughter in law. They still have an old fashion view on romance and marriage. Closer to one I understand, but alas, they too have social media and the internet, I wonder how long before they have " problems." 

The old fashion concept of romance, love is over, at least for a lot of people. 

And that's just sad.



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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...