Sunday, September 26, 2021

Once again, I Appreciate Buna Folks More and More

 Now don't get the "Big Head" you're not perfect......But compared to others, well, you're just good people. 

Had a second marriage to officiate in West Orange yesterday after the one I did in Jasper. 

Just a little late and in truth, I knew the bride would not be ready, and well, she was not. 

And when I looked at the license, well, it still needed time before it was legal. 

In Texas, a license has to be 72 hour old, and well, they got it at the last minute before the Clerk's Office closed on that day for a Saturday marriage. 

And they got upset because I would not "fudge" on the wedding. 

No, in this day and age, I did not want someone years from now and say, because of the time, we were not legally married. Or we need an annulment because the license's time was ridged. And we did not follow the time.

I did not want this to come back on me.

So we waited until it was legal. 

I give this West Orange/Bridge City marriage 3 years. 

Mainly due to the mother's. Neither liked their new in-laws. Both sniped at each other. Both were upset about whatever, the flowers, the cake( Which looked wonderful), the uncle who was barbecuing. 

I wore a pair of chino slacks and a dress shirt of Bonnie and Sean's wedding and felt overdressed, but I knew I needed to be a little better dressed for the later West Orange affair. Put on a khaki colored sports coat and silver/blue rep tie for West Orange...and of course one of the moms did not like it.

And one of the groomsmen flat told me " I'm supposed to pay you, but I am not, because we had to wait. "  

I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Yes, I signed the license, and mailed it.....I really feel sorry for the kids who got married.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Again, People Stop Writing Me About This

 Time to time when stuff seems to fall all apart, I have people write me about this. 

No, I am not going to start a church. 

I can just about imagine what kind of an outlaw outfit it would turn in to. 

No, I cuss too much.

No, I drink and make no secrets about it. 

No, if I was a Catholic, I commit most of the 7 deadly sins on a daily basis.....Much less the venial ( or lesser) sins every 5 minutes. 

I could just imagine what it'd be like when my first sermon was on the Song or Solomon and why God wants us to enjoy sex. ( You can tell Southern Baptists, Pentecostals and post 1000 C.E. Roman Catholic Church didn't write the Bible .)

I'm going to preach lessons on stuff you're not going to want to hear. 

I can just about imagine what kind of 'outlaws' I'd want to be deacons or elders. And what the community would say.  

No dress code and while I may dress in a robe that out-classes the Archbishop of Canterbury during the Christmas, I probably wear a suit and bow-tie most Sundays......Then again, some Sundays I may show-up in a ratty t-shirt and sweatpants. 

We might have a craft beer tasting. 

I may shut church down the first weekend in November so we can all go deer hunt. 

And most importantly, I am now 155 years old. I am retired. I hope to travel more in the coming months, year.  Something dramatic will have to happen for me to go into something like this... 

Thanks folks for thinking you'd like to go to a church I'd be "running" but to be honest, I wouldn't.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Well, Apparently, You Can't Do This To Your Wife Anymore

 Last evening one of my favorite ex-students posted a photo on Facebook( It looked like it was from it was from an old Ralph Lauren Polo ad) with people in tuxes and the lady, evening wear. The man had has hand on the lady's butt. 

Shortly after I saw the photo, I slapped my wife on the butt......

And posted under the picture I had done so.

My PM's blew the hell up. 

Apparently, it isn't nice to be slapping my wife on the butt anymore.....

God forbid you find out what else I might do to her. 

Let me tell you tell you my response. 

Fuck you and the clap dripping mule you rode in on.....

And by the way, 15 minutes later, she slapped me on my butt......Twice....

Folks, slap your spouse on the butt, it means you "Love Them."

Leave people the hell alone. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Again Folks

 I had a person who wanted me to pray for them, but was afraid to ask, thought I might be too busy. I just found out about another student I am quite fond of who is in need prayer and I just found out about it.

I'm not a miracle worker, but I strongly believe in prayer. I was praying for a job when Buna ISD called and as I have told you in the past, I did not put in an application at Buna. 

Look, a lot of people are sick right now. A lot of people of people are hurting in other ways. 

Look I am doing Vespers( Evening Prayers) and Mattins( Morning Prayers) now. Somehow I just think I need to do, and I am hoping some day when I need it, you'll remember me in your prayers. 

But please, don't be afraid to ask.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

All Right You Sorry A$$ Feckers

 Yes, I know I promised you a blog on China. I am trying to write it so my DIL and get back into the country and out....She is now getting very close to her 3 years anniversary of holding a " Green Card" ( Married to a U.S. Citizen) and her Father in Law is going to start working with her on the exam portion of being an American Citizen.....

But I digress as what this blog is about.

You sorry ass dog owners. 

Someone has thrown out a puppy in our neighborhood. I say in singularly because the other puppy was run over. I am glad there are some decent people in Lemonville, especially my neighbors Don and Carolyn. We all will not take turns feeding it......Just what we need as David Hicks would say, "A Yaller Yard Dog." And this one is yellow. 

If you're going to have a female dog , and it's just a 'dog, dog,' have it fixed so it won't have pups every 6 months....

Second, if you are driving a grey or silver colored vehicle in a driving rain storm, turn your damn lights on, at least the running lights." Your vehicle blends into the roadway.


Friday, September 3, 2021


 Cue music from 'The Omen.' ( Ave Santi)

That is how many new laws that came into effect in the State of Texas of Sept. 1st......666...Somehow just seems appropriate. 

I'd like to discuss a couple, there's no way I can go over 666- "Aliqui spiritus sint qui vindictam creati sunt."

First the Constitutional Carry. 

I some of you are all upset about this....Hell, long before CHL most people in this state carried in some shape or fashion. Hell, I know I did. I kept a pistol in a glove box. It just means to me I won't have to spend the shekels to renew a license. 

I don't know, I have never understood people who open carry, if I was a "bad guy" they'd be the first people I'd shoot in a robbery. My philosophy has always been " Look like an innocent nerd and keep a big ass pistol hidden."

Second the Abortion Bill.

Not going to argue one way or another with you but remember, the rich will always be able to acquire abortions for the children. 

And the lack of rape/ incest "special circumstance" upsets me beyond all words. 

Being in the education business most of my life you'd be amazed at how much incest is going on, especially with children in this country. I've seen a daughter take her own life because dad had gotten her pregnant.( And these were not so called " White Trash" but instead pillars of the community.)

I don't know who is going to take care of the psychological damage done to a 12 year old forced to carry a child to term. I don't know who is going to take care of a rape victim who carries a baby to term. And will there be enough people adopt incest babies with possible genetic damage? Most who adopt want a "normal" child. 

I assume those of you who support the lack of of rape/incest special circumstance are ready to step up and and adopt these kids. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Buna ISD- Playing School

 So, I have heard so many teachers, kids are out that they are just " Playing School" now are as been described, " Babysitting."

There are now some in the community questioning just how many people are out of school? 

I know you want to "Have school" but if the kids are just going either make up work, or if they are just "babysitting" what is the purpose in even "Having school?" Seriously. if your kids are learning anything. And it sounds like they are not. 

Again, I am so happy I am out.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...