Friday, September 17, 2021

Again, People Stop Writing Me About This

 Time to time when stuff seems to fall all apart, I have people write me about this. 

No, I am not going to start a church. 

I can just about imagine what kind of an outlaw outfit it would turn in to. 

No, I cuss too much.

No, I drink and make no secrets about it. 

No, if I was a Catholic, I commit most of the 7 deadly sins on a daily basis.....Much less the venial ( or lesser) sins every 5 minutes. 

I could just imagine what it'd be like when my first sermon was on the Song or Solomon and why God wants us to enjoy sex. ( You can tell Southern Baptists, Pentecostals and post 1000 C.E. Roman Catholic Church didn't write the Bible .)

I'm going to preach lessons on stuff you're not going to want to hear. 

I can just about imagine what kind of 'outlaws' I'd want to be deacons or elders. And what the community would say.  

No dress code and while I may dress in a robe that out-classes the Archbishop of Canterbury during the Christmas, I probably wear a suit and bow-tie most Sundays......Then again, some Sundays I may show-up in a ratty t-shirt and sweatpants. 

We might have a craft beer tasting. 

I may shut church down the first weekend in November so we can all go deer hunt. 

And most importantly, I am now 155 years old. I am retired. I hope to travel more in the coming months, year.  Something dramatic will have to happen for me to go into something like this... 

Thanks folks for thinking you'd like to go to a church I'd be "running" but to be honest, I wouldn't.

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