Thursday, September 16, 2021

Well, Apparently, You Can't Do This To Your Wife Anymore

 Last evening one of my favorite ex-students posted a photo on Facebook( It looked like it was from it was from an old Ralph Lauren Polo ad) with people in tuxes and the lady, evening wear. The man had has hand on the lady's butt. 

Shortly after I saw the photo, I slapped my wife on the butt......

And posted under the picture I had done so.

My PM's blew the hell up. 

Apparently, it isn't nice to be slapping my wife on the butt anymore.....

God forbid you find out what else I might do to her. 

Let me tell you tell you my response. 

Fuck you and the clap dripping mule you rode in on.....

And by the way, 15 minutes later, she slapped me on my butt......Twice....

Folks, slap your spouse on the butt, it means you "Love Them."

Leave people the hell alone. 

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