Friday, October 29, 2021


 I am looking at writing perhaps 3 blogs today.


Who thought when I was a kid it would become a big a deal as it is now. 

As a kid it was an excuse to knock on doors for candy. And we got bad stuff like candy corn,  licorice, questionable popcorn balls. 

Today, it's a big damn deal.

Who would have thought. A lot of you say it's your favorite holiday now. 

Hell, I even saw an ad on KBMT the other morning for "sexy clothes" for Halloween, model and all.....I sat up at 5AM and took notice. 

I don't know, perhaps because we were beat into our heads as kids that Halloween was bad we didn't make a "Big Deal" over it, but even now the Evangelical Church has embraced the holiday holding parties at their churches. 

Here at the Compound we've not had a "Trick or Treater" since we've been here. Too far off any road, too dark, too far out on the woods, I am not even planning on getting any candy. If one shows up, I'll give them a pickle and send them on their way. 

I don't " get" people liking it as their favorite holiday, but if you do, knock yourself out.

(Even though I made fun of it when I was teaching, Christmas is and will always be my favorite holiday. The religious implications, the 16th Century music, the pomp, the sex toys in a box in Buna, I don't know, it just does it for me....)

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