Monday, November 8, 2021

More Lunacy......And Was I an AH????

 Once again, proving my life is not a "normal" life like most other people's lives, here is what happened to me yesterday. 

Get phone call, and it is someone I know. 

They then ask if I was willing to perform a wedding for them.....And of course, I ask the particulars. 

The wedding is on.......Saturday, December 25, in the evening, at a house. 

Yes, Christmas. 

I tell them..." Well, not sure where I will be at Christmas. I might be home, but more than likely, I will either be in Mt. Vernon/Winnsboro( The Farm), or more likely, College Station visiting the kids. "

They then go into a "song and dance" trying to either " Stay home," or "Come back home early" to do the wedding.

Again, I beg off. 

And they got mad. I let them vent, and told them, " I am sorry, I won't be able to perform the wedding." And hung up the phone.

I don't know, I sort of felt bad......

Was I the asshole?

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