Monday, January 24, 2022

I'm Telling You......And It Ain't Good

 I am telling you folks, I am concerned. 

I know some of you are just saying I am using " scare tactics" but I don't know. 

Russia is pretty serious about invading Ukraine.  You don't move troops around like they have unless they are looking for some sort of military action to happen....Now will it happen in the winter? I do not know. If I was a betting man, I would say they would wait until it is warmer, and I might be totally wrong. 

There is talk that the US is going to send 5000 troops to Eastern Europe.....How long before the White House sends troops to Ukraine itself?

Never mind mind China again sent 39 strategic aircraft into Taiwan's airspace over the weekend.

As I write the New York Stock Exchange is off -800. The NASDAQ is off 4%. 

All of The Fed raising rates, and the Ukraine mess. 

I see where one of the largest freight train companies( BNSF) is threatening to strike and if they are not allowed to strike, many workers just quitting. 

Like we are not having supply chain troubles already. 

I was at the store this last week and it had no bacon and no link type sausage. And at this point, who can afford bacon?

I know I posted this yesterday on FB, but you may want to try and stock a few extra goods, don't panic, because this may all go away in a moment, but it don't look good right now.


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