Thursday, January 27, 2022

What the Cornbread Feck does This Have to Do With This?

 It's as NASCAR would call it, " The Silly Season" in other words it is election time in Texas. 

This morning, I have seen so far on the telly, 3 advertisements for someone running for Texas Land Commissioner. 

There are 8 Republicans, and 4 Democrats running for the job. 

Rest assure, both will probably be run-offs after the primary election. 

In the 3 advertisements, the one running for the Land Commissioner job is presently a member of the Texas Senate. 

In her qualifications, they said" I help pass a strong abortion bill, promise no state income tax,( We've already passed a Constitutional Amendment on that long ago) and is backed by the NRA. 

What any of that has to do with the Texas General Land Office( GLO) is beyond me????

The Land Office's duties are to-  Be responsible for managing lands( Mostly Texas beaches) and mineral properties that are owned by the state. The GLO also manages and contributes to the state's Permanent School Fund. 

Once again, it's Silly Season.....

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