Thursday, February 24, 2022

War- And Why You Might Give a Damn

 You knew it was coming, and it did....Russian invaded the Ukraine this morning. Already Fox Business was reporting dozens killed at the airport in Kiev. ( Ukraine's capital)

So why should we give a damn here in East Texas. I am sure many of you are saying " I don't care about them people."

Well, beside the humanitarian toll......Prices are going to go up. 

I am writing this before the opening bell on the stock market and the Dow Jones Futures are down -800 points, NASDAQ down -400.

Oil is up on Brent Sea Crude to $104. West Texas Intermediate is up to almost $100 a barrel. ( This is serious, you may want to fill up you car this AM before the prices go up.)

Corn, wheat, lumber, soybeans, all the futures on food stuffs are going up. You've got to remember, the Ukraine is the "Breadbasket" of that portion of the world. People will start paying more to get Kansas wheat, Australian wheat.....This is no longer a local USA only economy. It is global. And if it wasn't, well, most of our industries would go broke. 

You think inflation on stuff is bad now.....Just wait. 

( I have no real reports on what is going on concerning the war. It's too early to say what is going on the old " Fog of War..")

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