Saturday, March 5, 2022


 So, I must apologize for last evening's post about me being pissed-off.

Since I've retired, well, I have become somewhat of a hermit. And really unless a passport is involved, or a radio show, I hate going anyplace.

Today, I have to go someplace with a large group of people, and well, while I am good in these situations, and can "socialize" with the best of them, in the end, the old teacher starts to come out about an hour into the situation, especially when there are children who need their asses beat present. 

I am sort of like Sheldon from the "Big Bang Theory" and a form of OCD comes out about control. 

I literally am dying inside. 

Again, I taught school, for years, and years.....And worse yet, I get really upset when someone tells me to do something I really don't want to do. 

My mother and I both have this problem( Mom taught for almost 40 years) and when we are together in a group for any length of time, we'll clash, but we both understand what's going on and are fine in a little while. 

This doesn't generally happen in one on one situations, it's a group dynamic. 

So pray for me today that I don't lose my mind....

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