Sunday, May 15, 2022


 I've made no secret of this, we've even discussed it on the radio show.....

Deb and I go to Israel in a week. 

Not real excited, as many of you know, I am a self-described "historian" and so many of the places that Jesus was at in this trip is " We think this is where Jesus did this." 

Well, I can't get all excited about places that " The Church" " Thinks" might have happen here. 

But, my wife has drug me all over Britain and plans to drag me all over Great Britain again in Spring of 2023.......And she feels like she needs to go on a " Pilgrimage/ Crusade." Well, I'll go. 

I have a funny feeling I will stay at the hotel in Jerusalem a few days and " Let them go." ( I know the hotel is in the consulate quarter of the city.....and who knows maybe I'll go to the British or Irish Consulate and ask for "Political Asylum" in their nation. 

That said, one of the day trips includes travel to the remains of the " Second Temple." 

The Second Temple, with the exception of the Western Wall was torn down by the Romans in 70CE. And is now the "Wailing Wall." The place of prayers by the Jewish community. 

I have ordered a yarmulke( skull-cap) for this trip. 

I plan to do some serious prayer at the wall. And will write prayers to place within the cracks of the wall as is the tradition. 

Here is my question-

If you want me to pray at the Wailing Wall for you, send me a short specific request. Short enough I can place it on the paper to place in the wall. Remember, I probably will have a number of prayers so keep it short. ( Don't pull a Baptist deacon during benediction and ramble on while the rest of us are starving.)

I would prefer if you'd send me a PM on Facebook or an email. 

I figure this is a one time deal at the wall. And Israel.....I figure I'll be back to China before I go back to the Middle East. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

So, I Almost Whipped a Finocchio

 And as many of you know, I got nothing against gay folks. I know you are born this way. I have gay folks I consider as friends. I was friends with a guy in college who was gay. Our friends circle knew it, he knew we knew. He's now married to a lovely man. I even went to his wedding. I offered to perform it, but his husband had a family member who wanted to officiate. 

No, an asshole is an asshole no matter your sexuality. 

I was at a restaurant and had a wait for a while for my food to go. And that's fine. It means the food will be fresh. And the person I dealt with, well, I've had to deal with him before. 

I understand that the service industry is having a hard time finding workers. I know the place I was at has had a sign seeking workers for months now. 

But when this employee brought me my food, he acted like he was mad he even had to bring it to me. 

He flipped, in the air, my sack of food towards me. 

Luckily, I caught it. 

No thank you, come back, kiss my foot, or nothing as he tossed me my food. Tossed it like I was a dog waiting for a ball.

By the time I got to my vehicle, I was ready to grab the bat in my backseat, go back in and whack the hell out of the employee's knee....numerous times. 

But, I didn't want to go to jail. 

I was already upset because the clerk at check out was mad because I had paid my $7.89 in exact change. And it wasn't like hey were busy, there were only 3 other patrons in the store. No one was behind me in line. 

I don't know, my wife and I were at a restaurant in the Walden Road area of Beaumont and our waitress didn't say " thank you" or " Come again" or anything when she left us our check. And this is a fairly nice restaurant. And once again, it was maybe 1/3rd full. ( Mid-afternoon) She didn't check on us, did offer to re-fill our drinks, ( And we needed something, and finally, I got up and got what we needed from the front) just abandoned us until it was time to leave and even then, we had to wait for our check. ( Normally we give 18-20% tip. Not this time, she got a blistering 4%....Sorry, you got to earn the tip, not just 'expect' it.) 

( BTW- Told my wife we should try " Twin Peaks.") I was told "No" " Don't want you to have a heart attack." )

Are we so short workers employees can act how the hell ever they want? 

(Or are young people not being taught basic manners? Or are we that entitled now we can treat customers however we want?)

No thank you, yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir? 

I had plenty of bad jobs in my youth, but always was nice to people, even if I did not want to be there.

But toss food at people. 

I'm still mad. 

Maybe we need a financial collapse. Make people appreciate they have a job?

Friday, May 6, 2022

So, Buna ISD/ Buna is Mad at Me?

 Apparently, we have said several things on the radio show that have that upset people both at Buna ISD and the town of Buna.

And we discussed it during the radio show last evening.  

Look, your major bank has a burned out building behind it. 

You seem to be more interested in appearance at the school, than what is really going on in the classroom.

You have a major murder than occurred within the community with no body, and with what I've been told up to 15 people involved.

Look, I can go on and on.

As we said last night on the radio, we actually care about Buna. I spent most of my teaching career there. I know what you are actually capable of doing.  

Sorry, but from time to time, we're going to get onto you. Call it tough love, call it a " Come to Jesus" moment, call it whatever, but it's going to happen.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...