Saturday, June 25, 2022

If You Use Birth Control/ Are Gay....This One's for You

 Someone wrote yesterday wanting me to write on Roe decision on the Supreme Court....Why? We knew the outcome 2-3 months ago......Hell, the rich folk's daughter will still get their abortion.....

What you look at now might be the court cases.....




The first( Griswold) made birth control legal.  Don't think there are not people who think birth control is a sin. I know Baptists who believe this.....

Eisenstadt, Lawrence both made being no longer a sin......the other gay marriage legal.....

Yesterday Asso. Justice Thomas wrote that all three cases need to be re-visited?

So, they are states looking at making birth control not legal......And making it in certain states illegal to be a gay in certain areas, along with taking away their right to marry.

You can see Texas getting involved in 2, if not all 3 being Griswold....." I can see the Texas Legislature saying " We need more white babies, the damn Mexicans are out breeding us."  

You gay friends, I don't know what to tell you.

 Trust me folks. You don't want a 1950s-1960s world. I was there....It sucked....Sucked bad.



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