Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hook-Up, Dates, Shacking, LGBT 2022- Or Yeah Your Grandma Might Have Been a H*

 As I often say, I am glad I am old, glad my time on earth isn't seriously not that much longer. 

I really don't want to see what the U.S., heck, the world is going to look like in 25-30 years. It's rapidly spinning out of control now as it is....

Dating has never been " fun."

Oh, the 1950s movies, teen moves specifically acted like it was "fun" but it never was. 

I had a steady girlfriend back in high school which was one of the worst times in my life. 

You see, back in those days, we were beat into our head " Not to have sex." And if you got a girl pregnant back in those days, well, you had to get married. The church lead that ideology. It often lead to a divorce 5-7 years later. And in the Baptist Church,well, it was evil to divorce, no matter how miserable you were. 

So, you didn't do it....Well, a lot of us didn't. Too afraid of the ramifications. 

I had more than one girlfriend break-up with me in the age period because, well, " I didn't do it." 

Had one girl I'd dated a considerable period of time break up with me, just to find a new boyfriend to screw within 2 weeks of our break up.

Another girl I thought was serious about me, well, come to find out had another boyfriend she was "doing" and that boyfriend was okay with her dating me, and he just assumed I was " doing" her too. ( I wasn't. I split up at once when I found out about the other boyfriend.....BTW, the girl was from Orangefield. So, not a shocker.)

Then there was the girls who you would date over a period of time who wouldn't even kiss you goodnight. I went to kiss a girl one evening after the 3rd date only for her to turn away go into the house, I lost my balance, fell off the porch into the azalea bushes. She didn't even turn back to check on me, and her parting words were " Call me." 

I never called her again. I was pretty cut up from the bushes. She was all upset because she considered us " boyfriend/girlfriend" in some sort of weird Baptist courtship. I even had a deacon at the church we attended grill me about what happened? 

Luckily, I changed churches about that time. It started what is now my non-attendance of any form of organized religion. Didn't cause it, but that "talk" from the deacon helped kick it off.

I was in college during that time, and didn't date anyone for over 2 years during that time period. Went to college, and worked 2-3 jobs. 

I did remain in the college band during my time at the " Harvard on the Neches" and it was after a Lamar game one evening in October my wife asked me out for " Dr. Pepper and Cheese Tots" from Sonic on Washington Blvd. 

Hell, I thought it would be several other band kids, but it turned out it was just us, a sort of date. 

She even paid for the Sonic, as she said, " I asked, I needed to pay."

At the end of the night, I was approached and given a "Goodnight kiss." 

I remember as I drove home that evening, saying to myself, " Well, that was different."

It was kind of a done deal after that. I knew it was serious when she waited an hour in the hall for me until my 437 Renaissance and Reformation class from Dr William MacDonald over so we could walk over to the Kampus Korner to eat lunch. 

We came from the beat it into your head that " Sex was bad" Baptist doctrine and we waited until we got married, and we even discussed doing it, but waited until we both had degrees. And that was a long wait, and trust me, we steamed up the windows of that old Ford I was driving more than once. 

After I got married, the first few times I "did it" I felt guilty afterwards. Oh, not guilty enough to stop, but guilty. It wasn't until I spoke with a friend of mine whom I had "stood up" at his wedding did I discuss these feelings. He's felt the same way, and had an epiphany. " Fuck those damn church people, they've gotten into my head about sex for the last time." I didn't feel guilt again. 

But in 2022.

I do not understand dating. 

I do not understand people have body counts 50-60-175. Males and females. 

Sorry ladies, but guys generally don't want a girl who has been involved in gangbangs, slept with dozens of guys. It in guy's DNA. 

Don't get all huffy about it ladies, they can pick and chose who they want to be with. And a lot of guys are not even trying to find a mate anymore. 

Same thing with guys, with Tinder and Bumble it's easier for girls to pick only the top 10-20% of guys. And those top guys are in the old " Wham, bam, thank you ma'am" world. 

Another thing is so many people are spoiled rotten. 

Guys think they deserve the Playboy lifestyle. Girls think they deserve the Disney princess world.  

That's not the way it is. That's not the way the world works. 

Hell, if it did, I would have been a Modern History teacher at some school in Ireland, living in a cottage overlooking the sea....But no, I was a government and economics teacher to a bunch of hillbillies( Or whatever you call yourself) at the beginnings of Deep East Texas. ( I've always said this, I was foreordained to teach y'all in Buna. I seriously think I was sent there.)

Look, I do not expect you to remain a virgin until marriage like we were brainwashed into believing. I did not expect my son to be a virgin, heck even told him( Sounded like a boxing referee giving instructions to the boxers) " Protect yourself at all times." I don't know what he did in Korea/Asia, but he had photos of himself with some really cute girls. And I am pretty sure he and his now wife took up residence together before they married....But he was 28 at the time, none of my damn business. 

I don't know. 

A lot of these male teens shooting up schools, groceries, churches, etc. are Incels and no potential decent job or more importantly girlfriend in sight. 

I don't know, latest poll is saying 20% of Gen Z is LGBT.  Maybe it's related to the lack of people to date. " And if you can't be with the one you love, honey Love the one you're with ".....

I don't know, like I said, the world changes. It is your turned to fix it. Perhaps it's just the stage we are in right now....


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