Thursday, July 21, 2022

Probably in Trouble With the US Government....

 Or, my paperwork will be slowed down, which I expect, and it's already been slowed down. 

So, I turn 65 in the next month, which means I am eligible for senior citizen government programs. 

This morning, I got a phone call checking to make sure I am eligible for these programs. 

The person asking the questions.....

Had a man's first name.....

Sounded like a man over the telephone. 

So, when they asked questions, I answered to the affirmative, " Yes Sir." 

To which the government employee let it know to me they were neither a " Sir or a Ma'am" and that the correct answer would be " Yes" or "No." 

And they were a bit "snippy" informing me. 

It made a bit difficult because I was raised as a "sign of respect" to say " Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am." 

I had a hard time because a couple of times I would normally say, " Thank you sir." 

I am going to have a hard time here folks. Especially to you Non-Binary people who have dozens of pronouns that could be used addressing you. And I know some of you want to be critters and stuffed Pandas, and azalea flowers and whatever. 

I really don't care who you want to have sex with...( As long as it is adults 18+....and I have a problem with you screwing dogs or goats because let's face it, that's just nasty. ) 

But I don't know, there is certain etiquette I was taught to follow, that well, I probably will never change. 

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