Monday, July 4, 2022

Texas Succession?

So, the idea of the State of Texas leaving the union has reared its head once again.

They've discussed it well, since I have been an adult. I remember in the 1970s Texas leaving the union being discussed in my undergraduate government classes.( Yes, it was call government back then, not the " Political Science" departments everyone now has...Except Harvard and UT-Austin) 

Supreme Court member Joseph Story wrote in 1830 in Commentaries on the Constitution that the document foreclosed the right of secession.

Texas v. White, holds that the states cannot secede from the union by an act of the state.

In 2006, Supreme Court Justice Scalia stated, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."

So, Texas goes ahead and decides to leave illegally......

What you going to do for money?

Use the U.S. Dollar? Invent the Texan Currency? ( I've said this for years, carry the American Dollar, and it was no truer than when we were in Israel and Palestinian Authorities.....U.S. Dollar happily accepted at a better exchange rate than the current FX markets.)

The world's FX markets may make Texas money worthless.....Or hell 80% of the worth of the U.S. Dollar? 

Will you have a central bank controlling the currency? Or like place like Andorra or Panama with no central bank? They use the euro and American Dollar respectively. I can just about imagine banks trying to print their own currency. Good money vs. bad money....

What are you going to do about Medicare and Medicaid? 

What are you going to do about the State of Texas' portion of the $30.5 trillion of debt? Default? Yeah, that'll make our new currency really worthless. 

What you going to do about taxes? The state has voted no income tax, will that carry over a nation of Texas?

What you going to do when you need a passport to travel to Louisiana? What if they decide not to let you in?

What are you going to do about military bases? The ones here now, Ft. Hood, Ft. Bliss, Lackland AFB etc.  belong to the U.S. And have guys there from places like New Jersey and Oregon. What happens if they just " leave" with all the " stuff?"

How you going to control the border? 

What happens when the soon to be majority of Latinos living in Texas decide, we want to be " Just like Mexico?"

Just SOME questions....

No, let's stay in America....


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