Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Buna HS - Virtual Reunion: Update

 Here is the latest on the Virtual Reunion for Buna HS during my time at BHS. ( We are going to do this through Zoom)

We are try and see if we can do everyone interested at once. If it because too much, too cluttered, we may need to break down by periods of time ( 5 years, 10 years, etc.) But I think this will work for what we are going for. 

We are looking at doing it the first week in October. ( Week of October 3rd) at around 7PM. 

The question is this, which day would be the best for you? ( And if you can't make that night, we plan to do another reunion later.)

Also, we'd like to ask everyone sort of a " Round Robin" of questions, that way we can sort of " Catch-up."

At this time, if you have a suggestion of what you'd like to hear us ask, make a suggestion, and don't make it complicated like " What's the meaning of life?" Or, " Do you believe in aliens?" 

Give a shout out, and if you want, you can send me a PM or an email ( if you don't want to comment below. 

We'd like as many people as possible to participate in the reunion, and don't be shy, or embarrassed, believe it or not, I am pretty damn proud of y'all. 

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