Thursday, September 8, 2022

Quick British History Lesson

 The next question will be this......Will the now King of England call himself " Charles III."

The two Charles before him were pretty infamous. 

Charles I of course got into trouble due to the entire " Divine Right of Kinds" causing the English Civil War.....Which lead to the execution of Charles I by the Roundheads. 

Of course after his death, England went into a period of a " Protectorate" in which the leader of the Roundheads Oliver Cromwell pretty much lead England as a " Lord Protector of England" which was by any other term a dictator. 

Upon Cromwell's death, the English Parliament restored Charles I's son, who became Charles II as King of England.....whose first order was to have Oliver Cromwell, dug-up and put of trial for treason, which Cromwell was found guilty, hanged, drawn and quartered, never mind he was long dead....

Charles II of course is known primarily for having 11 children outside of marriage. ( It's good to be the kind)

So, does the present Charles want to keep that name. He can change his name if he wants......I know the Prime Minister Liz Truss,  has already referred to him as " Charles III."

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