Thursday, September 15, 2022

Schools, Schools, Schools...Deweyville, Buna, Beaumont.....

 I don't know what's going on at school anymore. I really do not. 

There is so much politics on both sides concerning schools, and it is at an all-time worse in this writer's opinion. 

I was told that last week Deweyville had a pep rally in which the theme was ..... supposed to be 9-11......But it turned into a " Let's Go Brandon" and MAGA. In which the AD was wearing a " Let's Go Brandon" shirt and a " Let's Go Brandon" flag was waving at the rally. ( I saw photos, but because minors are involved in the pictures, I won't publish.)

When did pep rally's become political, favoring one side over the other?

I am sorry, but not everyone in every district believes the same ideology, or religion, or politics. You may think they do, but they do not. You'd be shocked at how many think different than you, and to try and avoid conflict, they say nothing.

I was told in a 45 minute interview how much I was supposed to avoid my personal views when I was at Buna. 

I don't think anyone really knows how I think even today, other than my hardcore thoughts on the Bill of Rights, you really don't know what I think, you may think you do with the blog, radio show, but in truth, you don't. 

Schools are for everyone. If there had been a pro-Obama or pro-Biden cheer at the pep rally, you'd be calling for that person who lead its' head. People would be shitting in their pants.

People who are liberal pay taxes just like those who are conservative. 

I often wonder who would lose their mind when they saw the notes from my Ism's lectures. We did Communism, Socialism, Nazism ( Fascism) and books associated with the Ism. Today, there would be people all upset because we talked about those books in class.( BTW- Communism, Socialism, Fascism are part of the curriculum) Years ago when Maus came out, we discussed in in my AP European History class( I got to teach it one year, coolest class ever). Maus is now on the banned books list.  

I am sorry, but it is not teacher's jobs to instill political ideologies into these kids heads. Neither side, Democrat or Republican.....If you remember, when I registered many of you to vote, I always told you, " Don't care who you vote for, just vote." 

I wonder if anyone in the Buna ISD Board of Trustees read this article? 

I'm all about second chances, but did the district not vet their candidates?  

That said said, I hope someone shows some brains and hires Kevin Terrier full time Head Coach and AD. If someone sees Coach Terrier, tell him he was long overdue for the position. And I am proud of him.

This past weekend, the Beaumont Enterprise post this area's teacher pay. Buna was towards the bottom in everything. 

Unless you are from Buna, or in my case they didn't have a clue what I was doing( BTW-I taught the class at about a Soph-Junior  level university class).....And Buna left me the hell alone.

It limits the talent pool. I'm sorry, but it does. You want the best and brightest? You have to pay more. And there are good teachers in Buna.....But, more money? Better teachers will show up....

Finally, after I see what's going on in the Beaumont ISD, specifically West Brook, it makes you wonder? 

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