Monday, October 31, 2022

I Put a Spell on You!

 Hate to borrow a line from Jumpin' Jay Hawkins' song, later covered by CCR......But today is the day.

I hesitate to even write this blog, because I don't want you to think I am totally nuts....

I was reminded the other day of how powerful the supernatural is. ( And don't tell you you don't believe in the supernatural. Belief in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, their powers in by definition are " Supernatural" and I pray for a number of you every morning. )

I trained as many of you know to be a minister, did some work in the mission field, and well, wound up with y'all in the classroom, again, foreordained to do so, a supernatural event. 

Tom Brady's now ex-wife, Giselle Bündchen as many of you know practices witchcraft. Don't believe me? Look it up. I wonder how many spells she put on Tom to " Help him out?" I wonder now if she's put some sort of spell on him to make him do poorly this season? Or if "Father Time" is just the ultimate victor. ( Or now if they are divorced, the "spell" will somehow be "lifted?")

In the mission field in far South Texas, a literal stone's throw from Mexico I've seen stuff, well, I'd tell you, but you would not believe me and well, I really don't want to revisit it. 

I should tell you about a lady in an older part of Beaumont who I delivered goods to from the pharmacy who had 150+ cat skulls in her house. And some of the things she practiced. ( No one in the neighborhood fooled with her, and it was a rough part of town.) 

Tonight, have fun, dress up if you like, left the kids have fun, ( I know many of you have already had you parties, but today itself is different.) but just be careful. If it seems wrong, it probably is. Stuff can get out of control fast.....

Just saying folks.   

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