Friday, November 18, 2022

In Defense of the Buna ISD

 I know, you are shocked I have a blog with this as a title. 

I know, I have been fairly hard on Buna Schools. 

But, for the most part, the teachers are doing the best they can.

There is a movement in this nation, the US, that all teachers are trying to somehow " influence" you kids....either through Critical Race Theory(CRT), or the 1619 Project, or somehow they want to make you kids change and become " Trans."

Guess what, teachers don't have time to engage in any of this. 

Heck, as a government and economics teachers, I really don't have time for CRT or 1619, and to be honest, I don't even understand what the CRT people want to be taught, and I really don't care.

Most teachers in the state of Texas are the same way. 

Most of these people who think teachers are teaching CRT or Trans, well, the whole thing is a " Red Herring."

99.99999% of elementary teachers are trying to teach the kids how to read, write, and do math. 

Those who are trying to teach about being " Trans" well, they are not at Buna, or anyplace in East Texas.  

Teachers are leaving the profession in droves. 

The job has become horrid. 

There are so many extra jobs and paperwork teachers now have to do.  The state and feds require so much now, and it is so time consuming. And now requires school districts to hire extra people just to keep up with this influx of paperwork teachers now have to complete.

Parents think they own teachers.

Parents now are calling parents to give them rides to the airport because Uber cancelled. ( When the teachers said " No", they called the administration and the Supt. of Schools told the teacher, " Well, maybe next time you should give them a ride." This happened in a school district I taught in near Houston)

Parents are complaining because teachers are having heart surgery during the school year.

Parents are complaining because their kid's teacher is having a child during the school year, and there are parents who now question if teachers should be married.

Parents are now wanting teachers to call them at home and wake them, because they don't trust the alarm on their cell.

I personally had a parent call me at 11:59pm to complain about their kid making a 92 on a test. 

There are teachers in Buna changed churches to out of town churches because parents wanted to have parent conferences with their child's teacher  in the middle of Sunday School class, in front of the rest of SS Class. Or wanted a conference in the parking lot of church as the teacher was leaving.....And this happened more than you know, and all grades, elementary to high school. I know a teacher who changed denominations and towns because of this....

There are parents who saw a teacher at a Mexican restaurant in Silsbee, came and sat down at the teacher's table, with the teacher's family, wanting to have a conference. And the parent got upset because the teacher said no, and was upset because the teacher didn't have their grade book in their car with them .

 Parents are  wanting lesson plans sent home for the year for a kid's classes. That's all well and good, but classes are not always on time. Sometimes kids have a hard time understanding concepts and you might get behind a week or two or three. That is really true in math, English and in my case, economics. 

And don't tell me private school is the answer to everything. Private school pay faculty much less that public schools and they have trouble finding teachers, and often expectations are higher, driving teachers out. I know a private school in Beaumont in which the parents expect their kids to make " all A's" in their classes because as a dad told the teacher and administration, " I didn't pay for my kids to make a " B."  

People are looking at teaching and while pay is poor and is a contributing factor, it is not the main one. So much extra work,  grading at home at night and on weekends, preparing for class. Spending their own money just to be able to teach. I know I spent $500-1000 just to have stuff in my class for each year, things such as pens, paper, notebooks, heck, this is not even some kids asking every day, " Mr. Thomas can I borrow $2-4 dollars for lunch money?"  And $2-4 dollar 2,3,4 times a week add up....and " Borrow?" You are not getting that money back. 

Teachers are not perfect, but when I was in the classroom, I tried to be fair with everyone. Straight, gay, trans( Yes, Buna had trans kids) Black, White, Latino, fat, skinny, Christian, non-religious( And Buna people, there were more non-religious people than you care to admit, and of faiths many of you do think are Christian.) 

There are fewer students in colleges and universities around Texas, heck America than anytime training to be teachers. People just don't want the job. Low pay as I have said, is just a part of it. Bad kids, lack of respect, parents who treat teachers like dirt, society who thinks poorly of teachers.....Why do it? Why go into debt for a job that pays peanuts and more and more, America looks down upon you and thinks you are trying to somehow influence your kid politically. ( We can't. And that's part of the problem, more and more parents think teachers should teach the political line of one party or the other.....and we can't. As a government teacher, I kept folks guessing. Or at least attempted to....)

You know, you may give your child's teacher a break. Oh, there are bad teachers, but there are bad people in every profession, doctors, dentist, police, plumbers, welders, accountants....But the vast majority are doing their best.....

I understand why there is a teacher shortage. 

Why would anyone in their right mind do it? 

I know my last five years I couldn't stand the job, and it wasn't the kids. I don't know how teachers today can stand it. 44% of teachers leave the profession in the first 5 years. 

 Most teachers are trying to do the best they can. They can't treat your child like they are the " Second Coming." Often your kid is bad. Just bad. And they have to discipline your kid more than other kids because, well, they are disturbing all the rest. ( Too many parents just don't get that, and somehow, it's the teachers fault that the "Little Darling" is a spawn of Satan.)

You might give your teachers a break.


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