Monday, December 19, 2022

Jasper County. Orange County....Show Some Class

 I don't know what has happened to people. 

Why is it so hard to use a little etiquette? 

Was at a soiree yesterday and within the circle of invitees were new people......And the people who brought these new people didn't introduce their guests( boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse)....And this is why I no longer enjoy going to gatherings, one of several reasons.

And when I went over to find out who they were, it was like they turned away to avoid me. It was like " Fuck you, you're no body." ( And these are all younger people.)

I do not know what is being taught to our youth by parents, hell grandparents anymore. 

Good manners is assuming you've never met these people.....And dammit men, get off your damn ass when someone goes to shake your hand. Especially if women come over to shake your hand. It won't hurt you to stand up. 

Now in the old days, when a woman entered the room, you stood, but with family, friends, I no longer find that necessary. But is a high level social setting, I probably will rise. Just good damn manners. 

I also don't know " What the cornbread fuck" is going on with children now being in charge of their parents....and telling the parents what they are going to do. Especially when it involves another person/people who are subjected to bad kids doing whatever the hell they want.  

What has happened to parents being in charge? It's like the mom and dads today are scared of their kids. 

I don't know, I thought nothing of "lighting up" my child. 

I think this is part of the reason why teachers are getting the hell out of the classroom. Kids doing whatever at school and the parents backing them up. 

Somehow we all think our kids are going to be a pro-ball player, or professional musician, or actor or whatever, and in reality, most kids are going to grow up and have to work for a living, and they need to prepare for that reality when their dream of playing for the New York Yankees doesn't pan out. 

We need engineers and nurses and plumbers and teachers, and electricians, and truck drivers and it is where most of us wind up. All are needed to make this country work.

I didn't want spend most of my working career at the poorest paying school district in Region V of Texas teaching government/economics, but it's where I wound up and I enjoyed my time there and think I did some good. 

Love your kids, but make them ready for society. It's not all about them. And that is what we no longer understand in this nation.

Folks, teach your kids some manners. 


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