Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Buna ISD & a 4 Day Week? And I Gripe at Teachers

 So, I was told by a source and all involved will deny it, that Buna ISD, like other school districts in the area will at some point take a long hard look at a 4 day school week.

Already Jasper ISD is doing it, and I am wondering at the end of the school year how much they will like it.

Last week, Lumberton ISD's School Board voted on a 4 day week for that district. It would involve going 5 days a week the first two months and increasing the school day by 10 minutes. 

Trouble is, people like me who teach a 1/2 credit course already don't have enough time to cover the subject. And an additional 10 minutes a day gives classes what? An additional 90 seconds a class? Not hardly enough to cover what you will miss on the 5th day. I would really be hard pressed to cover everything....I just could not cover it.

My understand, or we were told, it was the teachers who proposed the 4 day week. 

I would have been vocal in my opposition to the 4 day week, for the reasons I've given above.

Teachers, here is where I gripe at you.....

There are " Hills to Die Upon." A 4 day week is not one. 

Politically, it is not a change in the school year to support. Already so many people in the younger grades see the schools at a ' sitter' for the kids 5 days a week. Sorry, they just do.....And right now there is growing hatred of teachers. Politics, think teachers are paid too much, have the mistaken idea that teachers are paid during the Summers. ( We are not, the pay is divided by 12. In truth, it helps the government and taxation when you look into funding) Teachers are paid for 185 days. We receive no " vacation pay."

There are better things to fight for rather than a 4 day week, which is too divisive. 

It failed in Lumberton with a 3-3 tie. One member was absent is my understanding.

I am not sure, the administration at the schools are not pushing for the 4 day week.....Less utilities, fewer buses and diesel being run, fewer people working 5 days a week in the non-faculty realm, and they have proposed this to the teachers and used them, saying it was faculty who proposed this, when in reality, it first suggested from a "Higher Pay Grade."

Pay attention teachers. You need to understand PR and Politics. There are things needed more than 4 day weeks.

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