Sunday, January 22, 2023

Momma's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be.....

 Stealing from Shotgun Willie Nelson this morning....

No, cowboys are better than this job....

Whatever you do, don't let your kids teach school.

Oh, I liked when I was doing it, but it has always had political strains within the position.....And in 2023, it is just so much worse. 

There is a growing belief among parents that they somehow " own" teachers. 

The governor is talking about parent's rights?  What is that parents telling us what we can or can't teach, that's all well and good, but there will be 30 different views on what should or shouldn't be taught.

That teacher's now are a bunch of Communists.....( I've voted GOP since 1976, and they their hated of teachers is quickly turning me against them.)

That our union is telling us what to teach.....What union? Texas has no teacher's unions. When did you see me and Taucer out in front of the building holding picket signs that said " UNFAIR?" 

That we are teaching CRT....Hell most of us don't care what CRT even is. 

There is a now a movement to allow people to chose their schools........And what is going to be taught at these school? Hell, I've seen what is going on at a number of these church/private schools.....Ain't no one learning nothing in many of these schools. 

No, not worth the $50,000 worth of debt to teach school anymore. 

No folks, tell your kids to do something else if they insist on college. 

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