Sunday, July 9, 2023

Again Buna ISD, You Don't Want This....

 I had not planned to visit this topic again, at least, not so soon.

This weekend, the Washington Post had an article about absenteeism in the schools of America. 

It seems there are about 33% of students in the U.S. who would be considered " Chronic Absentees." 

1/3rd of the kids. I am not shocked. There were so many kids in school, especially high school, who, " Just don't want to be there." Let's face it, school lots of times suck. There are rules that suck. Teachers that suck. Administrators that suck......But then again, so much in the real world sucks too. 

And Buna Schools are looking at " doing away with" one of the few things that works for kids, letting them be exempt from finals for actually coming to class. 

I don't know anymore, the older I get the more stuff " Just makes no damn sense." 

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 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...