Thursday, August 10, 2023

Yep, We ALL Goin' to Hell

 As warned in an earlier blog, this publication can go anyplace, I am somewhat a church history person and took 17 hours worth of church history classes in seminary. ( They had a funny hour classification)....I also want to see how history effects the future.

Thus, this blog.

In the last day or so, The Atlantic has published a story on the amount of Americans who no longer attend church. 

Yeah, I know, the Atlantic is a not a bedrock of conservative thought, but still, it comes up with stuff, say what you want is the truth. 

In the story, it seems 40 million Americans have stopped going to church in the last 25 years. Heck, look at the numbers of the Southern Baptists.  The numbers of that denomination are dropping rapidly.  I know in the last 25 years, I have abandoned the Baptists, or they abandoned me, I am not for sure which. ( The Southern Baptists however keep people on their rolls, even though a majority of members don't attend. )

I don't know, the last time I was inside a church I was in York, England for Evensong( Evening prayer) services. That was in April. I doubt I even go to church at Christmas here in Texas. 

And it's strange because I "keep up" my ordination within a denomination most of you are not familiar with. 

No, don't invite me to your church, no don't send missionaries, preachers, deacons, elders by. I'm fine with my faith as it is. 

At some point, if I was going to a church, I would hear a sermon, see actions of the church body, the minister, and go, " What a frickin' moron." And stop going. 

So my question is this, and you may want to end me a PM rather than post a comment.....Are you like many Americans, a non-church goer? Or do you still attend?



1 comment:

  1. No churches, no religion. I believe you get what you give. Karma, call it what you will. I've tried religion and it's not for me. I know right from wrong and that's what I'm going forward with. I don't want anyone opinion on religion. Opinions are individuals view points and nothing more. I stay in my lane, please stay in yours.


Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...