Friday, October 27, 2023

The Damn Post Office, the Damn Baptists, the Damn Media, & Newton County,

-When I perform a wedding, I generally mail the Marriage License back to the county that issues the license. 

I nearly always certify the letter in which it is sent. 

The damn post office took 5 days to get the last envelope, certified to Newton. It had to go all the way to Shreveport, Louisiana. Then come back to Newton.

Now, I do not blame the local post offices.   The local post offices had the letter out quickly, and once it was in the Newton Post Office's hand, they had it ready to be picked up early morning as soon as it was received, and Newton County had it signed for and picked up by 9:30AM. Both entities in Newton were 'on the ball.'

My problem was the days of transit. 

What did they do with it? Let it sit in a box? Someone in Shreveport playing Frisbee? ( It was a large envelope.)

Just wondering?

- Damn Baptists. Had another wedding I performed a couple of weeks ago. It seems one of the grandparents was upset because I was not a Baptist Minister. ( I am a form of Reform/Presbyterianism) and they told another relative, 'the marriage will fail, because a Baptist didn't officiant.' 

Hell, half the people in most Baptist Churches are divorced now, and they were mostly married by Baptist ministers. 

I would hate to know what grandma might call me personally. Both sets of my grandparents were married by the Justice of the Peace. And they were married until ' death do us part' and one grandparent passed in both cases. ( One set of grandparents had 5 kids, the other set, 11.)  

- The Damn Media....Can the damn national media only one story? 

For two weeks, it was the Israel-Hamas War.....And that is all we heard....Now, it is the shooter in Maine, David Muir of ABC News left Israel and flew back to Maine. 

It makes you wonder just what we are missing. 

Don't be shocked if the shooter has already taken his life, and he is found weeks from now by some hunter. 

Finally, and this is for those of you in Newton County, I have been asked to moderate the Sheriff's Debate in that county this coming January. 

I look forward to it, I am sure it will be streamed lived and then put on the sites such as YouTube for those of you who are not able to listen live. 

I am honored and look forward to the debate. 

Will post times and dates as we get closer.

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