Monday, October 23, 2023

I Don't Ask For This Often....But I Need a Favor

 I have never told you how to vote. 


This site is not about electioneering. 

And yes, when I had you as high school seniors, I registered many of you to vote when you turning 18 years old. 

Today starts a list of propositions we are voting here in Texas.  

There are propositions on taxes, or parks, on colleges. 

However, there is one I would like for you to vote on, for us retired teachers. 

For the first time in years, the State of Texas is offering retired teachers a cost of living increase. 

And Texas voters have to approve the COLA so we retired teachers will receive it. I have been retired over 10 years, and never have received a COLA. 

We teachers pay into teacher retirement. That is something most people do not know. We contribute to our retirement all the years we work. 

But the state has not given us a COLA in years. 

And the state politicians have taken money from our retirement fund and  invested in personal projects, such as the Formula 1 Racetrack just South of Austin. And the way I read it, the racetrack has not paid back on the investment. 

Early voting starts today. A vote YES on Proposition 9 will give retired teachers a small, long overdue COLA.

The money is there. It just needs to be approved by the voters of Texas. 

Please, vote YES on Prop. 9.

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