Saturday, November 11, 2023

Gen Z is so Damn Dumb....

 I am glad I am retired. So glad. I may have killed a kid in this day and age....Then again, Gen Z is what age 11-26 now, the prime age for both high school and college.

A couple of days ago, I was in a hardware store in Orange. The product I bought was $9.84. Normally, I go ahead and put most products on a card, and just pay the balance off through the card company at the end of the month. 

This time instead, I gave the clerk a $10 bill. I expected 16¢ change. I do not know what the clerk did, but they rang up the money and it said, I should get back, $18.52. And the clerk started pulling bills out of the register. 

When they started to hand me back the money, I stopped them and told them, I should only be getting 16¢. 

To which they said, ' But the machine says' $18.52. 

We then argue. They call the asst. manager. And the asst. manager must have been all of 20 years of age. Both stood there and could not figure out what to do. I suggested clearing the machine and starting over, and both looked at me like  I had 3 eyes. 

Finally, I said, give me a receipt and keep the money. ( Which the asst. manager did....Meanwhile they were still discussing what to do as I exited the store.)

You can't make this stuff up. I dare you to try. 

I took a 'snapshot' of my teacher's certificate and posted it on Facebook, just to show people that apparently, the state has lost their mind and I can still teach in this state, well, I am eligible to do so. I couldn't do it. I'd swear or throw someone in the hall and hurt their "Widdle feelings." I can just about see the parent conference I would have. If it was a former student's kid, I would wind up yelling at them.

Ole Miss had a football player who took several weeks off for " Mental Health" reasons.  And while mental health is serious, the player after being asked several times to meet with the head coach, didn't do so for 2 weeks. 

And he didn't understand why coach was upset with him for not meeting with him in a timely fashion. 

With NIL monies, college players, well, today's college football is a job. I can't imagine not talking to your boss in any job when they ask you to speak to them, unless you are literally physically to come in to meet. 

18-22 years olds in the past, and today were/are in the sands of Iwo Jima,  In the Mekong Delta, and today in remote outposts in the Middle East. But, it is hard for the military today to even get Gen Z to serve.

I worry about us. I really do. I seriously am glad my time on earth is on the back-end.

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