Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Let's Upset Some Folks- So, Buna ISD is Going to Have a 4.5 Day Week?

 So, I do not know. 

I know Jasper is changing from a 4 day week back to the traditional 5 day week in 24-25. 

But rather than try a 4 day week, Buna is going to a 4.5 day week. 

They will be getting out at 1PM. And I heard from someone who thinks "politics" is involved with the time. And I'll let you figure out what they are talking about. I'm not even going there. And the person who sent me a PM about " lost their mind."

I also understand the faculty voted 88% for the 4 1/2 day week. 

I still do not understand how the class schedule will work at the high school level on Friday. I am assuming shorter classes. 

And I wonder how much Friday will evolve into just keeping the kids from killing each other because in the kids minds at the secondary level, it is, " We only have xx minutes in this class, and every Friday, the kids will be asking, " It's Friday, we only got a short time, let's not do nuthin'. " It will be a battle every Friday. They already don't want to " do nuthin'."  And it will get worse as the year progresses. They already don't want to do anything, and whine to the parents, and trust me, my understand, the parents will be to the school whining about Mr. Thomas making the kids do work on Friday. And trust me, I would.

And, that asks the question, how many teachers will see it as a day to " do nuthin'?" Start the weekend early?

Trust me, I was serious about my class. Perhaps too serious. I was complained to, often, by other faculty about me needing to " Let off of the seniors." I often wondered why? ( I know why, but I'll let you wonder?)

Now, would I be against a 4 day week? As a teacher, I'd love it. I could "make it work." Why Buna didn't go there, I do not know?

The real question is, what kind of a mess is a 4.5 day week going to make for parents? They have to make arrangements of some sort, and yes I know, that is not the ISD's problem.....However, something to think about. 

And I know this is an incentive to keep teachers in the district, but I wonder? 

Anyway, something to think about on a Wednesday. 

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