Thursday, March 28, 2024

Spring Break???

 I was somewhat surprised to see that LCM-ISD has had Spring Break this week, in an old tradition of having it the week before Easter. ( Old school break was always Easter, even for the first 10 years I taught school, going to a university type Spring Break is somewhat a "new" thing for East Texas schools.)

I don't know, having taught seniors most of my adult life, I was always in favor of a later Spring Break or heck push it to the end of May and get the heck out of school a week early.

It makes no difference to seniors when they come back from the "break." They are toast.....Seniorities. 

Heck the last few years I taught I had what I call and I am sure the CDC has it coined someplace in their files...." Senior teacherities. "

My last year I had senior teacherites so BAD. I had the point and could retire at any moment in the Spring. I almost didn't come back after Spring Break, after Easter. Hell, I got mad a couple of times and said to myself, " I don't have to put-up with this anymore." 

Sorry, just rambling today.....

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