Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hang In There Buna ISD......

 I generally write teachers, students, whoever is associated with the district about this time of year. 

When writing this, it is April 30th. You basically have about 3.5 weeks of school to go. 

It's going to be a literal attempt to " Herd Cats" for teachers to next few weeks. The kids are done. Hell, the seniors know whether or whether not they are going to make it ( generally) at this point. They're on a nostalgia bender for the next few weeks knowing good and well, life is going to change forever. 

This blog however is mostly directed to the teachers. 

Hang in there, it is almost done. 

Let me remind you teachers, while you like the kids, and you're there for the kids, it is still a job. 

If you are unhappy......Get out. 

Go to another school system, or heck, like so many other teachers are doing in this day and age, find another profession. 

The school district would fire you in a heartbeat if they needed to and would not think twice about it. 

I know in the past the school systems have pulled at teacher's heart-strings by saying " We are like family here." 

Yeah, one big dysfunctional family that you would avoid at Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

I know I have heard from people already either retiring, or just getting out of teaching altogether. I know in this day and age that Mr. Thomas could not teach Gen Z or the up coming Gen Alpha.

The Buna Schools is already looking at financial problems down the road.  You have not a clue what that is going to lead to in the future, and trust me, they may decide, " We no longer need your services." 

Let me reiterate, it's just a job people, it is just a job.....

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