Friday, April 26, 2024

Change at Buna?

 I knew it had changed, and I really have not talked a great deal about the change until I saw it discussed on Facebook. 

Yesterday and today, I saw a post of the 2024 Honor Grads at Buna High. Some, I had taught their moms and dads. 

8 kids total. 

I ain't a maths( as the English would call it) major, but I took enough economics I can do some arithmetic still. That means the class will be around 80 kids walking in May. 

Maybe it is just me, but I expected Buna to be regularly walking 130-140 seniors by 2024. Perhaps I am expecting too much? 

But in one of the posts concerning the photo of the honor grads,  there was a discussion of changes in dress code. 

To which the ole" Make you boys shave" gov/eco teacher says..... (And you know why I made you shave.....I had to shave. )

"Good. "

Holes in jeans, girls wearing skirts that in the past the English department would send to the office. 

Long hair on boys, and while none in the picture had it, facial hair for boys. 

Look, I had shoulder length hair in 1975 as a 12th grader. ( Back when I had hair.)

I had long hair my senior year in university. 

Didn't cause a damn bit of confusion back then. I couldn't understand why it did in my tenure at BHS. 

Maybe I shouldn't give up all hope....


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