Wednesday, April 3, 2024

More Concerns from The Buna ISD

 There are concerns from the Buna Schools community, especially concerning the faculty. 

One of the major concerns is teacher retention. Hell, I hate to tell you that is Texas, state wide, Hell, it's a nationwide problem. Why the Hell spend a fortune to attend college, pay a literal fortune to get a degree, then go and teach school for what amounts to peanuts, and the way kids, parents, administration are today, why put up with the aggravation? 

The teachers leaving for " greener pastures" is just the way it is in 2024. 

A second concern is the number of teachers who lack any sort of teacher's certification( license to teach.)....And according to Buna patron survey this is a major concern. 

Again, this is a state, national problem. 

Who in their right damn mind wants to teach school? I am guessing like all the other places in America, the patrons think that Buna is " special?" ( I taught for 31 years and folks, I am sorry, but , " I ain't quite right." And in 2024, I could not do it, I'd wind up in Huntsville.)

While I enjoyed my time at Buna, I also enjoyed my time at Dayton. I could have taught government, economics, AP US History, and AP European History there until I retired. ( Man, I missed doing the European History at Buna)

Schools are in flux. All over the US. Getting people to just teach school is getting harder and harder. 

And in truth, who can blame people for not teaching?

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